+385 17757513

IT M8 Business Graphic


SKU: N/A Category:


1. Optimizing in Power Point

1.1. Images compression.
1.2. Avoiding font embedding.
1.3. Converting text list into diagrams and self- modification of diagrams.

2. Setting of slide show to speaker’s needs

2.1. Configuration of slide show.
2.2. Defining a way of using a slide show.
2.3. Cooperation with comments.
2.4. A work with macro – creating, editing, testing and starting up.

3. Cooperation of Power Point with devices and another programm

3.1. Recording a presentation on CD by Power Point.
3.2. Converting a presentation into a website.
3.3. Making an access to a presentation – cooperation with Outlook.

4. Databases security in a presentation

4.1. Safe format of presentation.
4.2. Authorization limited by password.
4.3. Digital sign in power point file.

Additional information


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